Cipher Craft
Cipher Craft
Cipher Craft

Cipher Craft

13 Sep, 2025

Venue: UET Lahore Main Campus

  • Are you a passionate developer?
    Do you have any idea which solve real world problem?
    Then go ahead and Register for Cipher Craft.
  • How Does it Work?

    Rapid Innovation: Design, Code, and Transform Ideas at Lightning Speed โ€“ Unleash Your Creativity and Build the Future!

    Cipher Craft
    Cipher Craft

    1. Understand the Problem

    Cipher Craft
    Cipher Craft

    2. Ideate & Sketch Solutions

    Cipher Craft
    Cipher Craft

    3. Race to realize it digitally

    Cipher Craft
    Cipher Craft

    4. Submit &ย Win Prizes!

    Event Schedule

    The Schedule of Friday might get affected due to Jummah Prayer


    Bring your CNIC/ ID Card (University Card) along with Luma Verification Code to Succesfully register yourself

    Breakout to Rooms

    Organizers will help in finding you the right place.

    Teams Formation

    The team consists of maximum 4 and minimum 2 hackers

    Ideating Your Project

    Develop project plan with key tasks, milestones, and timelines.

    Start Working

    Now your project Plan has been created. Its time to shape ideas into some productivity

    Snacks Distribution

    Yes you heard right.

    Jummah Break

    Offer Jummah Prayer in the nearby mosque

    Github Workshop

    A workshop will be placed on Github

    Game Jam

    A workshop on Game Development

    Personal Branding

    Improves your connections by connecting with like-minded peers.

    Start Working On Your Project

    Now It's time sit back again and start working on your projects


    Refreshment + swags Distribution among participants.

    Finalize Your Project

    Give some final touch to your projects.

    Start Submitting your Project.

    Submit Your Projects through Devfolio or the platform we will provide to you.

    Lunch Distribution

    Yes you heard right.

    Personal Branding

    You have done Superb. Now it's time to get to know about others.
    Upcoming day you have to pitch your project in front of the judges.

    Prepare Pitches

    Start preparing the pitches for the the projects you have build.

    Present your Projects

    Start presenting your projects in front of judges.


    Distribution of Refreshment among the participants

    Finalizing the winners

    Judges will take some time to finalize the winners.

    Winner Announcement

    Winners will be announced and Prizes will be distributed among the winners as a token of appreciation

    Hackathon is Over Now ๐ŸŽŠ๐ŸŽ‰

    Thank you sooo much for joining. Now the hackathon is officially over.


    Stay Tuned

    Sponsor Logos
